Highgate Hill School Term Dates & Schedules

Highgate Hill School Term Dates & Schedules

Highgate Hill School has recently released the schedule for the upcoming school year, including term dates and holidays. This detailed calendar is a handy resource for parents, students, and staff. This should help everyone plan ahead and make any needed arrangements.

Highgate Hill House School – Autumn Term 2023

  • 20th December 2023: Last day of Autumn Term
  • 21st December 2023: Christmas holiday begins
  • 4th January 2024 : Spring Term begins for learners

Highgate Hill House School – Spring Term 2024

  • Spring Term begins for learners on Thursday 4th January 2024
  • Last day of half term for learners on Friday 9th February 2024
  • Half term holiday begins on Monday 12th February 2024
  • Half term holiday ends on Friday 16th February 2023
  • Learners return to school after half term on Monday 19th February 2024
  • Last day of Spring Term on Thursday 28th March 2024
  • Easter holiday begins on Friday 29th March 2024
  • Easter holiday ends on Friday 12th April 2024
  • Summer Term begins for learners on Tuesday 16th April 2024

Read Also: Lambrook School Term Dates and Holidays

Highgate Hill House School – Summer Term 2024

  • Summer Term begins for learners on Tuesday 16th April 2024
  • Last day of half term for learners on Friday 24th May 2024
  • Half term holiday begins on Monday 27th May 2024
  • Half term holiday ends on Friday 31st May 2024
  • Learners return to school after half term on Monday 3rd June 2024
  • Last day of Summer Term for learners on Friday 19th July 2024
  • Summer Term begins for learners on Tuesday 16th April 2024
  • Summer holiday begins on Monday 22nd July 2024

Highgate Hill House School Schedule

Time of Event
9:00 amThe day usually starts at 9:00 am when students arrive. They can have breakfast either with friends in the dining hall or in a quieter classroom.
9:30 am Classes start at 9:30 am . After classes, there’s a session called ‘tutor time,’ and students leave for home at 3:00 pm.
2:30 pmClasses end at around 2:30 pm. After classes, there’s a session called ‘tutor time’.
3:00 pmStudents leave for home at 3:00 pm

Highgate Hill House School has lessons in subjects like math, English, computing, science, and more. Class sizes are small, with 3-6 students. The day includes activities like outdoor learning, creative studies, and sports like surfing and swimming.

Snack and lunch times are supervised, promoting healthy eating. Students can choose between a hot meal or a sandwich. There are also lunchtime clubs for extra activities and socializing.